Order VS Nature

Some architects seem to express their design sensibilities in classical models of order, orthangonal geometry and rigidly structured components-not that there’s anything wrong with that. But, that can contrast sharply with models found in nature. The fluid, organic and asymmetrical natural world can offer respite from our hyped-up, modern society. Research shows we all have an ancient connection to the earth in its elemental state encoded in our DNA. So, it’s logical that our experiences with nature, if only in some abstract form, can provide renewal or true re-creation.

It is intriguing to encounter an architect hell-bent on imposing some rigid order to the landscape surrounding their domain, along with an unquestioning assertion that such a design solution is the only valid one. It’s even more intriguing when I propose such a physical framework based on architectural precedence. Is one any less valid than the other?

Posted on June 3, 2013 at 5:36 am

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