High Museum of Art, Tuileries Exhibit


Martin worked with Museum staff on the design and implementation of a temporary installation on the High Museum’s main entry piazza.  The installation was in conjunction with the Tuileries Garden exhibit, from October 2013 through January 2014.  The museum’s director and staff felt it important that visitors to the exhibit experience something evocative of the iconic urban park located immediately adjacent to the Louvre museum in Paris.  The exterior plaza was transformed with an allee of clipped Nellie R Stevens Holly trees, approximately 16 feet in height, in traditional decorative planter boxes typical of Paris.  The allee of trees extended inside in to the adjacent Anne Cox Chambers gallery, where sculpture was displayed. The exterior piazza will also welcome museum visitors with authentic Parisian park seating typical of the Tuileries Gardens.  Two major sculptures on loan from France will complete the outdoor experience.  Read the High Museum’s press release about the exhibit.  The installation was so successful in achieving the museum’s goals, it was maintained after the exhibit closed, for as long as seasonally possible.

The High Museum's main entry plaza, known as The Piazza, before the installation.

The High Museum’s main entry plaza, known as The Piazza, before the installation.

The High Museum's piazza, after the installation of trees, sculpture and furniture

The High Museum’s piazza, after the installation of trees, sculpture and furniture


  • Atlanta, Georgia